Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ex gf

I emailed her through Facebook about 2 days ago
For some unsettled stuff
But she did not reply me
I guess that's okay :)
It's been 2 years, this unsettled mess.....

I clarified to her that we have never cheat on her. Whether she believe or not..
N I apologise to her that her feeling is hurt, & for the tears that she have shed..

It's kinda different if I were to do it 2 years ago..
I wanted to shout at her that "he is your freaking ex already!!!!! Both of you have broken up!!! Stop saying we betrayed you!!! N I'm barely your friend as we have never spoken to each other at all before!!!! Bitch!!!"
Ok the bitch word is definitely out of anger..
I have no idea why she claim that we betrayed her to all her friends.. I was mad at her for trashing my reputation actually..
But on the other hand I wanted to email her so badly to say sorry for hurting her..
I was hurt before and I know that pain.. I didn't want anybody to suffer too!
Still, I didn't email her in the end as I can't forgive her foolish act..
I chose to stay quiet n let the rest judge..

I told him about it..
I know it's stupid..
But I'm doing it for us both..
It hits me again recently, when we tell our love story during steamboat dinner last week..
It's stupid.. She's nothing and shouldn't be meddling our future anymore..
And I realise later that the problem is from me.. I allowed it! I couldn't let go and I needed a closure..

What he tell me again n again is that the relationship between him n the ex meant so little to him.. They were barely together too! Their 2 years relationship are all long distance.. N they have only met twice wtf.. Total duration of spending time together is less than 2 weeks..
Honestly........ I don't know what I'm holding on to.....

She might still scold me n trash me in front of her friends..
But we know we r clean :)
We did not betray her n we shall be blessed
We know :)





Monday, March 4, 2013

Moving on

I remember how surprise I was when my old friend Geri was shock that I wakes up in the morning.. Why? I forgot that the Wuen Li she knew was the version few years back -___-

That lazy girl who sleeps in till noon if there's a chance.. and yes without fail..

I hate my old self
I have no idea how shitty I was back then n I can't remember it now :S

My goodness..

But something hasn't change
I'm still dreaming
What changed is that I'm actually proud of it now..